ISSN 2786-4561 (printed)
ISSN 2786-457X (online)

Vol.3.2. (2023). pp. 56-61

The importance of geography in modern education in Ukraine

Radchenko A.

Taras Shevchenko National University, Kyiv, Ukraine

Gryniuk O.
Taras Shevchenko National University, Kyiv, Ukraine

Annotation. Geography is a science that studies the relationships between nature and society. The article examines the issue of the need to study geography in institutions of general secondary education. The importance of geographical knowledge as the basis of patriotism is analyzed in detail and the place of geography in the structure of related sciences is substantiated. A significant place in the work is devoted to consideration of the importance of geographical knowledge after a full-scale invasion, when it became especially necessary. The essence of the terms "external independent assessment" and "national multi-subject test", the importance of these elements in the education system for the selection of entrants to higher educational institutions and the role of geography in them are revealed. The relevance of this science is proven based on the analysis of the total number of registered participants for entrance exams in Ukraine.

Keywords: geography, school education, IEE, NMT
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